
PUBLISHED: Sep 10, 2010 7 min read

Facebook Personal Profile Marketing

Ruben Quinones

Ruben Quinones

Senior Vice President, Sales

AmsiveDigital TV Episode 16 – Part three

Join guest Larry Sharpe in part three of three, as he explains how he markets through his personal status updates via facebook.  Last episode we alluded to a brewing disagreement we were going to have in this current episode between host and guest, how nasty did it get?  Watch and see, 🙂

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Duration of Video:  6 min 27 sec.                           

 Ruben Quinones:   Welcome back Ruben Quinones your host for AmsiveDigital TV. Larry Sharpe the Neo –Sage right next time

Larry Sharpe:  Exactly right!

Ruben Quinones: Also Speaker, Presenter, Consultant, Guest Instructor at every school of —-.

Larry Sharpe: Columbia, —-, Quinn all of them.

Ruben Quinones: We were talking about before several episodes the first episode that we did on starting something you dedicated lot of your time on putting lot of thought provoking questions and engagement on that you were great at that and I agree with it. You are doing a very good job you have first mentioned that you deploy your static updates and which I used to do and I stopped doing. I am wondering so do you want to hear why I don’t do it anymore? Or

Larry Sharpe: Whatever you ask.

Ruben Quinones: Except that yeah why do you do it?

Larry Sharpe:  I do I have many different accounts

Ruben Quinones: Again you told that Static updates which is 140 or 160 characters depending on network LinkedIn, Twitter and face book right.

Larry Sharpe: Absolutely! So I use these three I use face book, LinkedIn and twitter. However, huge rate of —— also have two twitter accounts. So I put almost anything I want I put on face book and I put on my twitter account almost anything. Almost always identical and the reason is people follow me on twitter it’s not the same audience, different audience.

Ruben Quinones:  Oh my God I am going to follow you.

Larry Sharpe:  Yes I told you he is not part I told you he would and this is why I use my different twitter accounts to draw people in. There is a second twitter account I post the things for which people will look for it. They look for various people connecting me on twitter and then I connect them to twitter. So my twitter people are foreigners people I don’t know, people have come to me who search in the twitter world. I don’t have my face to follow me on twitter. I don’t have my anything to follow me in twitter. So twitter is a separate world.

Ruben Quinones: I have the fire to overcome because my people I think both of us look at either way. Because I talk to people and definitely I have same audience you have hash tags.

Larry Sharpe:  Hash tags no I am not a AmsiveDigital interactive.

Ruben Quinones: That is a separate conversation because as you have Hash tags in face book. So this is the same method going on to agree and I know that audiences are cheated. The same thing hit me up on another network

Larry Sharpe: Absolutely.

Ruben Quinones: And all of a sudden it looks like what we are doing is marketing, marketing, marketing and I really get this mess is somewhere. So I don’t need to get in detail I think going to 42nd street and throwing the flyer at me and all these paper cuts I have.

Larry Sharpe:   Yes to ask myself to know this first thing my LinkedIn is almost double then my face book. Lot of people who are professional work maximum on face book.  So my LinkedIn audience and my face book is going to get people. First people go on LinkedIn may be once a week or once a month. People on face book are everyday so that overlap is not there anyway and my twitter account has different audience and the next piece is you notice when I promote a class or something it may be twice a week so I have at least three or four non buy my stuff emails I mean posts for everyone buy my stuff. I buy my stuff is giving hey! Buy my stuff it is noticed.

Ruben Quinones: Yeah you don’t have to do.

Larry Sharpe: Hey this is happening if let’s say it is happening, I don’t say go to it, I don’t say do this is happening and it may be whenever 4, 5 or sometimes it may be 7 posts says hey something is happening so I am not hammering someone. It’s three four things about me that I have post some questions, some quotes that make somebody think then by the way its class going on.

Ruben Quinones: You know it’s funny now when I think about it so it is really important argument here but I guess it cannot happen here because I don’t see —— and I realize it.

Larry Sharpe:  Exactly! You will not see in me of course not.

Ruben Quinones: I guess another peep which is not a part of you but I guess people know the Hash tags that you didn’t what the hash tag was?

Larry Sharpe:  I did not know what it is?

Ruben Quinones:  You probably might have seen it in face book or LinkedIn right.

Larry Sharpe:   I don’t know.

Ruben Quinones:  Have you seen the font sign?

Larry Sharpe:   Yes absolutely.

Ruben Quinones: Do you have any clue they are talking about?

Larry Sharpe: If a hash tag I ignore.

Ruben Quinones:   Please don’t do it.

Larry Sharpe: Yes I ignore.

Ruben Quinones: So it is also know your audience, you answer your audience so you know the same standards apply getting people most of the time.

Larry Sharpe: Absolutely.

Ruben Quinones:   It gets to know your audience hey you talk in twitter language doesn’t necessarily think soon that people on LinkedIn and face book or even most people on twitter you need to act according to that.

Larry Sharpe: Twitter language is good point on it because your brand matters for your language also. I don’t use twitter language at all even if I am on twitter because my brand is not techie my inner says I am so smart wise that is a kind of language.

Ruben Quinones:    Yeah I think you are good with that. But I guess that your techie deals —— hash tags. You have an event coming up I want to make sure you hit that.

Larry Sharpe: I do September 14th Tuesday 5:30 to 8:30 pm for 9 weeks in a row I am doing the New Sage U based sales course. 27 hours of hard coaching you will pitch better, prospect better and close better. Guaranteed 300% check it out.

Ruben Quinones:  I will put the link down here and I will also put it on the blog and I checked it out he also added some videos actually.  Have a

Larry Sharpe: Absolutely all videos in my website are free and also we have radio show, your show is also —– just send them listen it if you want to.

Ruben Quinones:  Ok cool I will put that link as well. Thank you very much Larry and thank you for tuning in have a Great Morning, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening whenever you are watching this will see you next time take care.

Check out Larry’s up coming U-Based Sales Process Course, to learn more about being a successful business owner, sales producer, marketer, etc.  The course starts on September 14th, Tuesday evenings, 5:30-8:30 for 9 weeks straight.  Click here for registration details.  That radio show we did together?  Here.
